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We Made Real Our First Corporate Social Responsibility Project

We Made Real Our First Corporate Social Responsibility Project


As Aksa Energy, we realized our first Corporate Social Responsibility project with the name of "Energy Workshop" in Kovanlık Secondary School in Antalya Döşemealtı last week.

In the scope of the project, we came together with 3-4-5-6-7-8th grade students of the school, to raise awareness about energy resources and energy diversity. In the workshop, we shared a lot of information about energy, including the formation process of energy resources such as coal, natural gas and fuel oil, as well as the use of renewable energy resources such as wind, water and sun, and the generation of electricity.

The 6th graders which selected by the school administration as the most environmentalistclass, experienced the place of energy in our lives with the activities hosted by Mirada Del Mar Hotel. After the workshop activities at the Hotel, they visited Ali Metin Kazancı Antalya Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant and experienced the energy generation process on site.

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